Personal Loans approvals are done as quickly as possible however, sometimes our lenders will need to contact you directly to cross check or get more information to help them approve your personal loan. We generally can give you an indication of the outcome of your loan as soon as your application is complete however, sometimes it may need to be assessed and if that is the case a lender will be in contact with you as soon as they can. Be sure to keep your phone close and keep checking your emails for updates.
If this is the case, a lender will be in contact with you as soon as possible to discuss your application further. It’s important to keep your phone close and check your emails regularly for updates on the status of your loan.
In most cases, we can provide you with an indication of the outcome of your loan as soon as your application is complete. However, if your application requires further assessment, we will let you know and provide you with any updates as soon as we receive them from the lender.
At Same Day Personal Loans, we strive to make the personal loan process as simple and stress-free as possible. If you have any questions about your loan application, don’t hesitate to contact us and one of our experienced loan consultants will be happy to help.